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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

411 MFS

411 MFS (Medical Emergencies in Dental Practice)
Course title: Medical Emergencies in Dental Practice
Course code: 411 MFS
Credit hours: 1
This course is composed of series of lectures in which the student will learn to identify medical problems that might be seen among dental patients, Define principles of history taking and physical examination in medically compromised dental patients. Student should also be able to recognize complications and medical emergencies arising as a result of dental treatment of medically compromised patients and summarize principles and procedures of managing hospitalized patients.
Intended learning outcomes:
At the end of this course the students should be able to:
Demonstrate sound knowledge about the principles and concepts of managing medically compromised patients coming for dental treatment.
Define principles of history taking and physical examination.
Recognize complications and medical emergencies arising as a result of dental treatment of medically compromised patients.
Recollect principles of medical referral and consultation.
Apply the knowledge of theories and principles to identify medically compromised patients attending for dental treatment in a case scenario.
Justify use of appropriate medication and formulate a treatment plan in a case

Course Director: Dr. Sundar Ramalingam

تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 2:18ص