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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

211 MFS

211 MFS (Introduction to Local Anaesthesia)
Course title: Introduction to Local Anaesthesia
Course code: 211 MFS
Credit hours: 1
This course is a series of lectures extending for one semester. Lectures cover patients assessment and their suitability for local anaesthesia and surgery, pain control, neuro-anatomy of the oral cavity and peri-oral tissue, neuro-physiology, pharmacokinetics of the drugs used in local anesthesia and any local or systematic complications which may occur, and how to avoid and manage such complications.
Intended learning outcomes:
At the end of this course the students should be able to:
Demonstrate sound knowledge of patients suitability for local anesthesia and oral surgery, by recognizing principles of systematic history taking, including detailed medical history, thorough physical examination and the proper use of investigations. 
Describe the techniques employed to inject local anesthesia. Name the possible complications.
Describe the armamentarium of local anesthesia.
Differentiate the pharmacokinetics and of the various local anaesthetic agents.
Interpret different pain theories and differentiate the mechanism of action of local anesthetics.
Relate the complications of local anesthesia to its predisposing factors.

Course Director: Dr. Waleed Abdullah

تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 2:18ص